The Doneraile Court Reserve Wetland is a Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) initiative that has transformed an existing drainage basin into a neighbourhood asset
Location: South Perth, Western Australia
Client: City of South Perth
Time frame: 2013 – Ongoing
Services provided by Syrinx
Water Sensitive Design; Constructed Wetlands and Biofilters; Landscape Construction and Maintenance; Natural Resource Management; Sustainable/Green Infrastructure; Graphics and Signage
Project Phases Delivered
Project Phases Details
The Doneraile Court Reserve Wetland is a Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) initiative that has transformed an existing drainage basin into a neighbourhood asset
It has improved water quality, enhanced biodiversity and provided a safe and flexible open space for local residents.
The 1,000m2 wetland receives and treats stormwater runoff and shallow groundwater from subsoil drainage from an 11.7ha priority catchment in Waterford. Prior to the initiative, the catchment exported significant amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus to the Canning River via the basin. The new wetland is successful in operation.
Complementary work – including an appropriate vegetation palette, safer regraded and densely vegetated batters, localised fencing and educational signage – has encouraged the return of native fauna species whilst providing educational recreation opportunities at a suburban scale.
Key outcomes
- Incorporation of best practice stormwater treatment measures via the provision of an integrated WSUD system.
- Maximisation of the capacity of the existing drainage basin to remove nutrients and other contaminants from stormwater prior to discharge into the Canning River.
- Improvement to aesthetics, biodiversity and habitat value of the immediate area.
- Provision of an educational platform that informs patrons and rate payers of the City’s commitment to improve stormwater quality.